empowering people.

Organizational Intelligence

We transform companies into self-learning organizations - from the inside out.

Our target image is the self-learning organizationbecause it is based on one essential characteristic: St is adaptable. And that is what counts in our fastfast-moving times. To be adaptable - that is to inner and external influences to react quickly to be able, requires the ability to generate knowledge and scale it (organizational intelligence). While the Scalability is a more technical component, can the generation of knowledge can be attributed to creativity and thus thes can be traced back to people. And that is where our objective comes from.

empowering people.

We bring people and technologies together to foster creativity and innovation. Technology alone cannot (yet) generate knowledge, but it can empower people to do so. Therefore, we always start with the employees of your company and empower them to develop your organization through modern (standard) tools. We accompany your employees on the path of digital transformation and turn them into digital designers through modern change management concepts.

We democratize knowledge and information at our company and yours with the help of central knowledge platforms and various forms of exchange that ensure maximum accessibility. From our point of view: "Knowledge grows when it is shared is shared". We create solutions that increase information transparency within your organization and break down silos. The goal is always to reach every individual.

We go one step further. We don't just want to reach your employees, we want to involve them. To do this, we create modern social intranet solutions in an agile, iterative process. In these can all employees and departments can not only represent themselves, but also interact with each other. By democratizing knowledge and communication, we strengthen innovation and transform the culture of your organization. This makes your company a more attractive employer.

Synergy of people & technology
Empowerment of employees
Modern change management
Efficient & Integrated Intranet Solutions

Laura Denkhaus
Manager Organizational Intelligence

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We have what you need: Customized services for your vision

Navigate through the digital transformation, we are your compass

Strategy Consulting

designing future.

We design and understand the future strategy of our customers and adapt our actions accordingly.

AI Consulting

ai-ccelerating business.

Take your business to the next level with AI - from efficiency gains to innovative business models to sustainable competitive advantages; we'll show you the way.

Data Intelligence

changing perspective.

We create a cloud-based data infrastructure that ensures data logistics even in heterogeneous structures and from which every company can benefit.

IT Consulting

building foundations.

We are architects and implementers for the future IT structure of the digital enterprise, working with our customers to lay the foundation for digitization.

Business Consulting

delivering growth.

As a digital-first company with a lot of experience in finance and controlling, we pass on our experience for the optimization of corporate management.

Business & Process Solutions

bridging gaps.

With state-of-the-art applications, we create data-driven and sustainable solutions, always focusing on the overall context and added value for the strategic orientation of the organization.

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