building foundations.

IT Consulting

As problem solvers and platform architects, we are the key to the digital transformation of your company.

The digital transformation is the biggest paradigm shift in the history of IT., since thedevelopment of the Internets. It changes the role of your IT department and holds many challenges. We support you in transforming your IT department into an agile, fast-learning team that is focused on this to this change.

building foundations.

Our goal is customer-centric IT that creates added value for your company and is never seen as an end in itself. Security and compliance are fundamental prerequisites. Our identity-centric approach not only contributes to the zero-trust principle, but also significantly improves the user experience of your employees.

A solid and modern IT foundation in the form of an integrated platform is required to enable digitization. As platform architects, we offer holistic support with innovative methods. We accompany both the technical implementation and the cultural, organizational and process-related change. In this way, we ensure the future security of your IT and your entire organization.

Together we develop from the corporate strategy into a modern IT strategy in which the IT infrastructure is an essential component. This requires well thought-out architectural decisions: We offer Enterprise Architecture as a Service (EAaaS), as a transitional or permanent solution. Alternatively, we advise and train your IT architects.

Customer-centric IT with holistic added value
Modern & Resilient IT Foundation
Innovative Methodology & Technical Support
Holistic change of IT & corporate culture

Luca Kühn
Manager IT Consulting

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We have what you need: Customized services for your vision

Navigate through the digital transformation, we are your compass

Strategy Consulting

designing future.

We design and understand the future strategy of our customers and adapt our actions accordingly.

AI Consulting

ai-ccelerating business.

Take your business to the next level with AI - from efficiency gains to innovative business models to sustainable competitive advantages; we'll show you the way.

Data Intelligence

changing perspective.

We create a cloud-based data infrastructure that ensures data logistics even in heterogeneous structures and from which every company can benefit.

Business Consulting

delivering growth.

As a digital-first company with a lot of experience in finance and controlling, we pass on our experience for the optimization of corporate management.

Organizational Intelligence

empowering people.

Together with our employees, we transform companies into self-learning organizations and create the jobs of the future.

Business & Process Solutions

bridging gaps.

With state-of-the-art applications, we create data-driven and sustainable solutions, always focusing on the overall context and added value for the strategic orientation of the organization.

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