ai.platform - the AI platform

State-of-the-art software development, infrastructure and design principles ensure the maximum flexibility of our AI platform

Developed from practical experience for your company and tailored specifically to your needs.


Requirements & Targets

Every company may develop its own "AI-based" components that should be easily integrated.

The core app should be updated regularly and easily.

AI should enable people to work more efficiently, which requires fast applications-very fast indeed!

Integrate with your ticketing system? Sure. Using your pre-trained LLM or the dedicated ML app to recognize quality problems on your production side is effortless.

our brand must be represented in your AI platform, of course. But that's only the beginning.

A tailored operating model for every need and scale.

10 users or 10,000 users per day, it doesn't matter.

Every device and session always has the latest messages.

All components should be stateless, allowing for effortless changes to each component.

Deliver new versions to production rapidly. Fix bugs "on the go".

Always integrate the latest stable version of your infrastructure components to minimize technical debt.

Design secure software from the first line of code onwards.

Do you know what the next big thing is? We don't either. But we are ready to integrate it, whatever it may be.

Developers should focus on developing and not waste time dealing with operational software issues.

Automate everything that needs to be done more than once.

Design Principles

Each individual layer can be personalized with customer-specific modules

We offer the support hub as a SaaS solution or the option of hosting it on an existing Azure subscription

All components are modular and standalone microservices; customization is possible by bundling them into modules. Complete parameterization of all components.

Secure sign-in for each individual user

Profile picture integration via Microsoft

Robust and future-oriented API contracts

Flexible and scalable infrastructure, continuous integration of the latest innovations

Use of cloud design paradigms

All infrastructure components as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for deployment with little effort

Consistent integration of the zero trust principle

Pay only as much as you use to optimize costs and reduce fixed costs

Thanks to our multilayer architecture, our AI platform is completely customizable!

Infrastructure as code - simple integration and deployment!

As a genuine AI platform, is individually scalable to all company sizes and covers all of your company's specific requirements. Any application can be connected without any problems. as operating model!

Thanks to the technical conceptualization and simple migration, we are flexible as to whether we set up the AI platform on your infrastructure or whether you prefer a SaaS model in all common variants.

Daniel Stroh
Managing Director

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